Friday, November 8, 2019

Will Modern Technology, Such as the Internet Ever Replace Essay Example

Will Modern Technology, Such as the Internet Ever Replace Essay Example Will Modern Technology, Such as the Internet Ever Replace Essay Will Modern Technology, Such as the Internet Ever Replace Essay Nowadays, if you dont want to sit somewhere alone and mumble to yourself, you must have good knowledge to keep conversations going. In order to know more, you have to read and analyse more information. In todays world, there are 2 main sources of information: books and the internet, which is developing at a fast pace. This creates an arguable question: Will the internet become the main source of information and books become extinct in future? For ages, books were adored as huge amount of information. However, they are being replaced by their electronic copies which affect health problems as red-eyes and vision issues. Secondly, according to lectures of Howard Berg, who is the worlds fastest reader, and to Spreeder website, e-books reduce the reading speed of readers to 25%, which makes them to sit in front of the monitor more and cause more health problems.Another good side of the real book is that you do not depend on the battery of electricity. On the other hand, real books are made of woods, which cause reducing of forests in the world and make the ecology worse. Moreover, real books take more place in your bag and, also, its quality goes down because of the usage, but e-books are compact and dont change after several usages. Thirdly, electronic information in the Internet is more and faster approachable than the real sources.For instance, one can google any specific information in seconds, rather than searching books in libraries and then scanning for the required information . Furthermore, more information can be found in the Internet, which would probably never be found as a book, or in a book. To conclude with, I would like to say that (Is it OK to begin conclusion like this? I usually begin so) books are valuable sources of information, but I believe that some day the Internet will absorb all the knowledge in al books and become the crucial source of know-how.

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